Gaming From the Heart
We create unique gaming experiences and content for a diverse community of role-players worldwide.
Our mission is to provide our gaming community with engaging quality experiences while helping to support charities close to our heart.
About Us
Founder, Karington Hess began his journey into the gaming industry in Illinois in 2009. In late 2020, Karington decided to form Open Heart Games and lend his skills, honed from years of experience running games for guests and providing high quality customer satisfaction, to provide a high caliber gaming experience for gamers of all walks of life and in a variety of locations. Read more about his journey.
Why Choose Open Heart Games?
When you choose Open Heart Games, you’re choosing to work with one of the best. With over 10 years of experience, Karington has logged thousands of hours behind the screen.
More importantly, Open Heart Games strives to always give back to the community. A portion of each month’s proceeds are donated to Extra Life, a charity benefiting local children’s hospitals. Read more about why OHG is a great choice for your gaming experience
See What Others Are Saying
Don’t just take our word for it…
“Karington brings the life and excitement to the game! I’m not a veteran or anything at RPG’s I’m actually a brand new. I’ve been in three scenarios where Karington hosted and every game I felt like one of the crew. He has a way of keeping the momentum and keeping us newbs involved and having fun. His way of developing the story is like listening to one of those classic radio stories with tons of excitement and suspense. Beyond his amazing skills as a DM, he is a great guy and great friend. So if you up for one exciting and entertaining ride just hop ship with this guy and I promise you’ll have a blast.”
- Jeffrey
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