Player Expectations
Ways to ensure everyone has a great gaming experience.
Karington’s Player Expectations
You’re here to have fun!
You should be enjoying yourself and if you aren’t, then please tell me privately so that we can work together to make it fun for you.
Everyone else is here to have fun too!
Please refrain from any antagonistic or disruptive behavior.
Conflict does and will happen. [See below]
Sensitive topics & trigger warnings
Please be open with me about any triggers or content sensitivities so that I can avoid them (I take this very seriously).
Please be on time and prepared for each session.
If you have in-game questions or concerns, please feel free to message me directly
Ask questions!
If you don’t understand a rule or if you think I’m playing a rule incorrectly, please speak up. There are a lot of rules to remember when roleplaying and mistakes can happen.
Combat, Conflict, and the Golden Rule
Conflict is a part of many roleplaying games and strong headed heroes from very different walks of life are bound to lock horns (sometimes literally) from time to time. I find this to be acceptable as interparty conflict provides fertile ground for amazing roleplaying moments.
Player conflict, too, will occasionally occur. As Game Master I will step in to mediate, diffuse, and deescalate as needed. I don’t expect everyone to agree on everything always. I do expect everyone to be respectful of one another. Remember, everyone is here to have fun!!
Intimidation, threats, and/or bullying will not be tolerated!
Make interesting choices!
Sometimes our characters will be presented with opportunities to make choices that we as players KNOW are bad choices. Just remember that just like in real life, our character’s choices can have unforeseen consequences. . .sometimes dire!
The more you put in, the more you get out.
The more background, complex character development, backstory, raw story material, etc. that you can provide to me, the better your experience will be. There may be times that I can’t work your ideas into the story but I will always try, and more content will make for a more well-rounded character for you and a more enjoyable roleplaying experience for everyone!