A Heartfelt Thank You

We did it! This past weekend we held our first 12 Hour Marathon for Extra Life, streamed live! We honestly cannot give thanks enough to everyone who helped to make this event so successful. Our goal for our first calendar year was to raise $1,000 for Extra Life and with this event, we were able to exceed that goal and raise $1,150! And we’re not done yet!

One of our missions in starting Open Heart Games was to give back to our community. As a young child, I was diagnosed with a congenital heart disorder known as an Atrial-Septal Defect (ASD) which required lifesaving open-heart surgery at the tender age of 2 years old at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Therefore, children’s hospitals are especially near and dear to my heart. I had worked with Extra Life in the past and very early on when conceptualizing what this company could be, Abigail and I knew that we wanted to donate a portion of each month’s sales to Extra Life.

We had such a wonderful time running and streaming 12 hours of D&D 5E: Against the Giants. We’d especially like to thank our players for making it so much fun, Jeff with World Gone Geek for helping us stream, Josh with Obelisk Productions for helping us to get set up and showing us the ropes and designing our overlays (the photo credit of which goes to Taylor of Taylored Images ), and Josh K. for helping monitor our chat! We would also like to thank everyone who donated, tuned in to watch, or shared their support for Open Heart Games on social media. We’ve got such a great community here. Thank you all.

If you’d like to watch the recorded 12 Hour Marathon you can do so here and if you would like to donate to Extra Life you can find our team here.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We cannot wait to do this again!


Take Heart!

Karington Hess

Game Master and Founder of Open Heart Games


Incorporating Ceremonies and Celebrations in Your Roleplaying Games


Extra Life 12 Hour Marathon Survival Guide