Giving Back with Our GM AMA

As we launch our second campaign in less than a week and prepare for our next major event, the Game Master Ask Me Anything or GM AMA, I am reminded of the importance of giving back. Charity is at the heart of what we do. We give a portion of each month’s sales directly to our local children’s hospital, Carillion Children’s via the Extra Life charity. With our Game Master Ask Me Anything, we hope to accomplish two things; both of which are our way of giving back to the tremendous gaming community that has offered us so much.

The first is by encouraging you to make a donation to our Extra Life page. You can take comfort in knowing that each and every dollar donated will go directly to helping children and their families. While we are encouraging everyone to donate to this fantastic charity, GM AMA is and will always be free. Which leads us to our second goal--we want Game Masters and players to be able to come to us with any and all questions and to know that we will answer them and offer them advice. In this way, we hope to foster and encourage future generations of storytellers and Game Masters.

My experience with Gen Con was formative and I want to offer Game Masters who are not able to regularly attend conventions a safe space to ask questions and receive guidance. I feel that Game Masters should have a forum where they can ask questions, be given encouragement, and grow. At a seminar I once attended, a Game Master said this and it has stuck with me ever since: “Everyone should have access to seminars like this one and I will never charge for it.” We plan to host this free GM AMA event regularly and encourage you and all of your friends to attend. If you have questions that you want answered, this is the forum for them. I will be live on Facebook for the event and you can ask questions during that time. You can also ask me questions beforehand by emailing me at  We want to make sure that we are able to answer all of the questions so please get them in as soon as possible.

Giving back is very important to us here at Open Heart Games and GM AMA is just one small way for us to do so. We hope you will join us for our first event on Facebook live. If you have a question that you don’t want discussed during the GM AMA but still need an answer to, we are always happy to answer any and all email inquiries! I am super excited to host this event and I hope all of you are able to get a lot out of it. This event is for you, our amazing gaming community. And of course, for the children.


Take Heart!

Karington Hess

Game Master and Founder of Open Heart Games


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