If you love what you do. . .

“If you love what you do, then you’ll never work a day in your life.” You’ve heard this, right? It’s a great quote in theory because it encourages people to find what they are passionate about and go for it! However, it is also, in my opinion, entirely false.

Work is a part of who we are as human beings. We work hard at everything we do: our careers take work, our side hustles take work, our relationships take work, and even our hobbies take work. I love my work here at Open Heart Games but it is work. My partner/wife, Abigail, and I work together to run this small business which is both a side hustle and a passion project. We create and schedule daily content for our various social media platforms, maintain our website and weekly blog, run two D&D campaigns a week, livestream each week, balance the books, plan events and outreach, raise money for Extra Life, and do our best to engage with our community!

But this week and next we are taking a break from this “work” to celebrate something else that we work hard at every day—our marriage! Abigail and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage this Saturday and we’ve earned a break. I will still be livestreaming on Twitch both this Thursday and next as usual and you’ll still see new and fun content on both our Instagram and Facebook; however, there will be no new content on The Heart Monitor again until June 8th. Check back then! And, by the way, thanks for helping make my work something I love.

Take Heart!

Karington Hess

Game Master and Founder of Open Heart Games


Late Campaign Tip: Loose End Checklist


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