The Heart Monitor

Sometimes Your Players Surprise You. A Recent Encounter and What I Took Away From It.
Karington Hess Karington Hess

Sometimes Your Players Surprise You. A Recent Encounter and What I Took Away From It.

We can never be fully prepared for the choices our players may make and we must be able and willing to roll with the punches and adjust the story to suit our players. This recently happened in my Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus campaign and it really inspired me to write this blog about the need for all Game Masters to maintain a degree of fluidity in their games---because no amount of prep can prepare anyone for the choices your players will make and if you give them the freedom, your players will often surprise you as mine did in this campaign.

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Get Ready For A Helluva Good Time! Why I❤️Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus
Karington Hess Karington Hess

Get Ready For A Helluva Good Time! Why I❤️Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus

Here we are again friends! A launch of another brand-new campaign. In just over a tenday, Open Heart Games will launch our second campaign, Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. In the same vein of our last entry, I wanted to give my initial thoughts and share with you my excitement as we begin our next journey into the world of the Forgotten Realms! This will be a spoiler-free preview, so please read on!

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