The Heart Monitor

Crucible: My Introduction to Worldbuilding
Karington Hess Karington Hess

Crucible: My Introduction to Worldbuilding

It can be difficult to know where to begin when worldbuilding. I recommend building your world around content that you enjoy consuming. This way it will be easier for you to find inspiration for your world. I began building Crucible (the setting for my first homebrew) by considering the kinds of stories that I enjoyed reading about. . .Once you have analyzed your own interests and found your inspiration to begin building the setting you want, it is time to begin thinking about how to make your world feel real for your players. . .

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Pursuing Mastery in the Art of Storytelling
Karington Hess Karington Hess

Pursuing Mastery in the Art of Storytelling

About a year after running my first campaign, I decided that it was time to give it another shot. By now, I had come into my own as a player, read the D&D 3.5 Player’s Handbook from cover to cover, and played in a variety of other systems. I had played under several new Game Masters and had observed the different ways they conducted their games, asking each of them for feedback and thoughts. I wanted my new campaign to be bigger and better than the last and I had a lot of great expectations. It was then that fate stepped in. . .

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My Introduction into Roleplaying. Part 2: The Campaign
Karington Hess Karington Hess

My Introduction into Roleplaying. Part 2: The Campaign

This week we will talk about the first campaign that I ever ran. It was, in a word, awful. . . But for me, the takeaway is that even though the campaign wasn’t the greatest story ever told, the players had a good time and I learned a lot. This campaign gave me the much-needed confidence to continue to run campaigns for years to come. And believe me when I say, they got a lot better.

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