For the Kids! Extra Life Game Day 2021.

The time is almost upon us and we are ready to kick off our second 12 hour D&D marathon, this time in celebration of Extra Life Game Day 2021! As a reminder, the marathon will be streamed in its entirety on our Twitch channel from 10am to 10pm EST on Saturday, November 6th. We hope you will tune in and show our players your support by saying hello in the chat. 

Like what you see on our stream? Then don’t forget to subscribe to our Twitch channel. And, bonus, if you have Amazon Prime, you actually have a free Prime subscription that you can “gift” to us each month. It won’t cost you a dime but it will help us raise money for Extra Life and our local children’s hospital!  

Afterall, that is what is most important. This event and much of the work we do here at Open Heart Games is for the kids! Please be sure to donate what you can to help us reach our yearly goal of $2,000 raised for charity! Donate today! 

As of today, we have raised over $1,700 towards our goal and have become the largest Extra Life donor in support of our local children's hospital, Carillion Children’s. All of this is possible due to the support of our friends, family, and our wonderful community of gaming fans. A heartfelt thank you to all. And while we are close to our goal, we still have work to do. So make plans to join us once again as we venture into the dungeon on Saturday, November 6th at 10am EST. FOR THE KIDS!!

Take Heart! 

Karington Hess

Game Master and Founder of Open Heart Games




Our First Panel: Game Mastering Online Vs. In Person