Extra Life Game Day 2021 is in the books! To describe our marathon as anything less than a roaring success would be an understatement. We began the event $55 short of our goal of raising $2,000 for charity and finished the night nearly doubling our goal! One generous anonymous donor donated $500 during the stream! As of the writing of this blog, we are now $55 shy of having raised $4,000 for Extra Life, benefiting Carilion Children’s here in Roanoke! Also as of this writing, Open Heart Games is the top Extra Life donor for our local chapter and is in the top 300 donors nationwide! For our first year in business, that is incredible! And we could not do it without you, our wonderful community of gaming enthusiasts. We had twenty-seven donors collectively give $1,901! 

Abby and I are absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity and the support of our wonderful community. We wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who helped make our 12 hour marathon such a success. Our players, our fans, our friends, and all of the donors. Every donation helped us reach and surpass our goal and was greatly appreciated! As I stated during the live-stream, the support of our community was absolutely overwhelming and has surpassed every goal I had set for us this year. Our initial goal was to raise $1,000 for charity which we crushed with the first marathon, reaching $1,150 by the end. Our second marathon garnered even more support and we are so thankful.

If you haven't already, you can watch the marathon in its entirety by heading over to our Twitch channel.

We would also like to encourage you to donate and would welcome your support. Any amount helps and will set the bar for next year. Let's set the bar for this event higher!!! 

Thank you all for your support and your sheer awesomeness; it means the world to Abby and I here at Open Heart Games. We are so grateful! 

Take Heart!
Karington Hess

Game Master and Founder of Open Heart Games  


Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost. Using Exploration Encounters.


For the Kids! Extra Life Game Day 2021.